This website contains the dataset of central banker speeches (CBS Dataset) collected for Campiglio, Deyris, Romelli, and Scalisi (2025). This dataset has been created by complementing the central bankers' speeches dataset compiled by the Bank of International Settlement (18,045 speeches) with a systematic scraping of central banks' websites (15,435 new speeches) and archive work (2,007 additional speeches).

The dataset features 35,487 unique speeches from 131 central banks, for the period going from the beginning of January 1986 (date of the first online speech by a central bank) to the end of December 2023. Among those speeches, 5,347 were provided in a non-English language and were translated using Microsoft Translation services.

The dataset is available free of charge for academic research and personal non-commercial use. It can be downloaded in various formats below or explored using an interactive app.


Download the latest version of the dataset.

Instructions to open the files


Read the codebook below for information on the variables included in the dataset.


When using this data, please cite:


Davide Romelli

Trinity College Dublin

Data and website © Emanuele Campiglio, Jérôme Deyris, Davide Romelli and Ginevra Scalisi.

The code and data are freely available for academic research and personal non-commercial use. Any other use, including redistribution, requires prior consent under copyright protection.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (Grant agreement No 853050 - SMOOTH) and from the 2022 Trinity College Dublin Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund.

We thank Matteo Carrai, Edi Maria Faraglia, Benedetta Gilardi, Riccardo Monforte, Vittoria Piccapietra, Emanuele Pizzochera, India Riordan, Jack Semke, Lorenzo Surian, Simone Trambaiolo and Jiaying Zhu for short-term research assistance.